[cifs-protocol] [REG:116022313745563] Windows 10 backup failing against Samba

Uri Simchoni uri at samba.org
Wed Feb 24 19:22:17 UTC 2016

On 02/24/2016 09:17 PM, Jeremy Allison wrote:
> Yep, just found it. Sorry for the noise :-).
> Strange place to return NT_STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST
> but there you go.... :-).

It's probably based on the idea that SVHDX is implemented by the backing 
store, the (apparently-incorrect-on-this-point) spec says that if the 
data store doesn't support SVHDX, this error is to be returned, which 
lead us to get this create context to the VFS and generate the error 
from there.

But probably this error should not be generated.

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