Volker Lendecke Volker.Lendecke at SerNet.DE
Tue Oct 29 10:22:54 MDT 2013

On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 07:10:05PM +0000, Sebastian Canevari wrote:
> Hi Volker,
> I need you to please run the t.cmd file that I am attaching (rename t.txt to t.cmd) so I can collect some ETW traces from the server 2012.
> 1.	Rename the attached file as t.cmd
> 2.	Save it to a folder in your server
> 3.	Start a  network capture
> 4.	Open a command prompt with administrator privileges
> 5.	Get to the t.cmd folder and type: t.cmd srvon
> 6.	Reproduce the issue
> 7.	Type t.cmd srvoff
> 8.	Stop the network capture
> Please send me the cab file and the new network capture (I know it will look very similar to the one I have but the new timestamps are gonna be very useful).

"t.cmd srvon" gives:

ERROR: no tracing session in progress

 Enabling Tracing:
     usage: t [clion] [srvon] [core] [verbose] [capture] [csv] [cluster] [hyperv] [circ:N] [driver:flags:level]
     clion   - generate client component traces
     srvon   - generate server component traces
     capture - enable packet capture (Windows 7 / Windows 2008 R2 or newer)

         At least one of cli, srv, and capture must
         be specified.

     csv     - generate CSV component traces
     cluster - collect Cluster event logs
     hyperv  - collect Hyper-V event logs
     verbose - verbose mode tracing flags (defined for fskm/mup)
     circ:N  - generate circular logs of size N megabytes
               (default circular buffer size is 50 MB per log)
     driver:flags:level - specify trace flags and level for this driver (support rdbss, mrxsmb, smb20 only)
                          flags and level must be in hex
         rdbss:  0x0001 error     0x0002 misc     0x0004 io        0x0008 openclose
                 0x0010 readwrite 0x0020 fileinfo 0x0040 oplock    0x0080 connectionobject
                 0x0100 fcb       0x0200 caching  0x0400 migration 0x0800 namecache
                 0x1000 security
         mrxsmb: 0x0001 error     0x0002 misc        0x0004 network          0x0008 security
                 0x0010 exchange  0x0020 compounding 0x0040 connectionobject 0x0080 midwindow
                 0x0100 multichannel
         smb20:  0x0001 error    0x0002 misc   0x0004 network 0x0008 security
                 0x0010 exchange 0x0020 io     0x0040 handle  0x0080 infocache
                 0x0100 dircache 0x0200 oplock
         level:  0x1 error 0x2 brief 0x4 verbose
 Disabling Tracing:
 usage: t off [nocab] [nobin]
     off     - turn off tracing
     nocab   - do not compress traces
     nobin   - do not gather system binaries matching the captured traces
               (please do not use if external to FSF/without direction)

 Disabling/Enabling Tracing:
 usage: t snapshot [nocab] [nobin]

Anything I'm doing wrong?



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