[cifs-protocol] nTDSDSA Object and serverreference attribute

Matthieu Patou mat at samba.org
Mon Oct 1 00:38:48 MDT 2012

Dear Dochelp,

Paragraph nTDSDSA Object of MS-ADTS seems to list all 
the possible attributes that this kind of object has.

I didn't find the serverReference in this list but after joining and 
promoting windows 2008r2 to a Samba 4rc1 domain I have
the following entry for the nTDSDSA object related to the Windows 2008r2 DC:

objectClass: nTDSDSA
cn: NTDS Settings
instanceType: 4
whenCreated: 20120930062848.0Z
hasMasterNCs: CN=Configuration,DC=samba,DC=corp
hasMasterNCs: DC=samba,DC=corp
hasMasterNCs: CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=samba,DC=corp
uSNCreated: 3737
dMDLocation: CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=samba,DC=corp
invocationId: 6dae53b2-4451-43fa-aead-92beb46962f3
showInAdvancedViewOnly: TRUE
name: NTDS Settings
objectGUID: 60b2cf44-9b15-408d-bdd0-65b9514e7114
options: 1
systemFlags: 33554432
objectCategory: CN=NTDS-DSA,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=samba,DC=corp
msDS-Behavior-Version: 4
msDS-HasDomainNCs: DC=samba,DC=corp
serverReference: CN=S1-W2K8R2,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=samba,DC=corp
msDS-hasMasterNCs: CN=Configuration,DC=samba,DC=corp
msDS-hasMasterNCs: DC=samba,DC=corp
msDS-hasMasterNCs: CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=samba,DC=corp
msDS-hasMasterNCs: DC=DomainDnsZones,DC=samba,DC=corp
msDS-hasMasterNCs: DC=ForestDnsZones,DC=samba,DC=corp
whenChanged: 20120930064023.0Z
msDS-HasInstantiatedNCs: B:8:00000005:DC=samba,DC=corp
msDS-HasInstantiatedNCs: B:8:00000005:CN=Configuration,DC=samba,DC=corp
uSNChanged: 3792
distinguishedName: CN=NTDS 

It appears to have a serverReference attribute, I'm wondering under 
which circumstances a windows 2008r2 will add this attribute to the 
nTDSDSA object as I found no indication in the documentation.



Matthieu Patou
Samba Team

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