[cifs-protocol] Precisions for FRSRPC

Edgar Olougouna edgaro at microsoft.com
Wed Sep 14 15:22:29 MDT 2011


Please find my update as follows.

Question 1:

In paragraph " DATA_EXTENSION_RETRY_TIMEOUT" we have information about FirstTryTime and Count related to REMOTE_CO command, but it seems that it's not explained how the client should use this information nor when the server should increase the Count attribute.


Upon investigation, I have filed a technical document bug on this. The following logic will reflect in a future release of the MS-FRS1 document. 
The following describes the retry timeout processing rules of FirstTryTime and Count when handling change orders, from client and server sides.

At the client side(downstream partner) the FirstTryTime and Count fields are used when the downstream has a CO (let us call it X) which it is not able to install because the CO corresponding to its parent folder has not arrived/has not  been installed. In this case,  it checks the following conditions:
a.            (X->Count > MaxRetryCount) 
b.            (CurrentTime - X->FirstTryTime > MaxRetryTimeOut)
If either of a. or b. is true, then we abort installing X, remove the ID table entry created for the file/folder corresponding to it (if any), and remove the pre-install file/folder corresponding to it (if any).

At the server side(upstream partner), for every CO X in the outbound log such that X has finished installing on that machine and X is not a Directed CO (where the Directed CO flag is defined in Change_Order_Command),  if CurrentTime - X->FirstTryTime > OutlogChangeHistoryTime (this is defined in 3.1.1 Abstract Data Model) , then X  is removed from the outbound log and it's corresponding staging file is deleted. If the GVSN of X is not present in the Version Vector object (where the Version Vector object is defined in the glossary), then it is added it to it.

Question 2:

In paragraph " NTFRS Replica Set Object" msFRS-Topology-Pref: 
Attribute not used by FRS. It seems that it's as when you create a replication of a DFS replica this attribute is set and changing the value in the interface has changed the value stored in the AD database.
Does this mean that what ever the topology is set to the replication scheme is always the same ? If so can you clarify it or point me to the place of the documentation where it's specified ? Is it the same for FRS replication of DFS replica and for SYSVOL ?


I have investigated this issue and filed a technical document bug. I am working with the product team and will update you as soon as I have news.

Question 3:

The documentation didn't explain very well or I didn't understand how to find the parent of a replicated object, after my investigation it seems that the objectGUID of replicated object is the same on all the replica and a downstream partner use this information when it needs to compare 2 files/folders for modifications or when it needs to find where to store/change/delete a file or folder.
It seems also that for the sysvol replica, it's the GUID of the NTDS object that is used as GUID of the frsRootPath.
Can you confirm or precise the correct information about this ?


I am still investigating this and will update you soon.


-----Original Message-----
From: Matthieu Patou [mailto:mat at samba.org] 
Sent: Friday, September 02, 2011 6:13 PM
To: Interoperability Documentation Help; pfif at tridgell.net; cifs-protocol at samba.org
Subject: Precisions for FRSRPC

Hello Dochelp,

In paragraph " DATA_EXTENSION_RETRY_TIMEOUT" we have information about FirstTryTime and Count related to REMOTE_CO command, but it seems that it's not explained how the client should use this information nor when the server should increase the Count attribute.

In paragraph " NTFRS Replica Set Object" msFRS-Topology-Pref: 
Attribute not used by FRS. It seems that it's as when you create a replication of a DFS replica this attribute is set and changing the value in the interface has changed the value stored in the AD database.
Does this mean that what ever the topology is set to the replication scheme is always the same ? If so can you clarify it or point me to the place of the documentation where it's specified ? Is it the same for FRS replication of DFS replica and for SYSVOL ?

The documentation didn't explain very well or I didn't understand how to find the parent of a replicated object, after my investigation it seems that the objectGUID of replicated object is the same on all the replica and a downstream partner use this information when it needs to compare 2 files/folders for modifications or when it needs to find where to store/change/delete a file or folder.
It seems also that for the sysvol replica, it's the GUID of the NTDS object that is used as GUID of the frsRootPath.
Can you confirm or precise the correct information about this ?


Matthieu Patou
Samba Teamhttp://samba.org
Private repohttp://git.samba.org/?p=mat/samba.git;a=summary

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