[ccache] Visual C/C++ compiler upgrade

Jean-Dominique GASCUEL jd.gascuel at free.fr
Mon Mar 13 13:48:15 UTC 2017

Dear ccache developers,

I just started a fork to try to make ccache compatible with Visual C/C++ 
compiler (cl), so one can use it with msbuild or nmake based projects...
You can review the current state here: https://github.com/jd-gascuel/ccache

Current state:
   - It starts to do something interesting. But more work is needed to 
handle specific options (.sbr files, debug options, etc.)
   - I found the Travis stuff very interesting. But because Travis do 
not support windows, I am trying to make an AppVeyor similar stuff.
  - There is probably issue about Visual vs. MinGW modes ... I did not 
start to investigate that.

Any advices ?

JD dot Gascuel at free dot fr
Tel: +33 (0)6 64 82 77 87

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