[ccache] how to use ccache

Mahmood NT nt_mahmood at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 5 07:05:32 GMT 2007

>For some reason (definition in make file?)

Here is makefile. What is the reason?

# Created by the script create_makefile

# This is the makefile for compiling a CGAL application.


#                    include platform specific settings


# Choose the right include file from the <cgalroot>/make directory.

 CGAL_MAKEFILE = /home/naderan/CGAL-3.2/make/makefile_i686_Linux-2.6_g++-3.3.3

include $(CGAL_MAKEFILE)


#                    compiler flags



           -I../../include \

           -I../../../Arrangement_2/include \

           -ggdb \

           $(CGAL_CXXFLAGS) \



#                    linker flags








#                    target entries


all:            \

                MD_demo$(EXE_EXT) \


MD_demo.moc:  MD_demo.cpp

    $(QT_MOC) -o MD_demo.moc  MD_demo.cpp

MD_demo$(OBJ_EXT): MD_demo.moc

MD_demo$(EXE_EXT): MD_demo$(OBJ_EXT)


VVc_demo.moc:  VVc_demo.cpp

    $(QT_MOC) -o VVc_demo.moc  VVc_demo.cpp

VVc_demo$(OBJ_EXT): VVc_demo.moc

VVc_demo$(EXE_EXT): VVc_demo$(OBJ_EXT)

    $(CGAL_CXX) $(LIBPATH) $(EXE_OPT)VVc_demo VVc_demo$(OBJ_EXT) $(LDFLAGS)

clean: \

                   MD_demo.clean ; rm -fr *.moc *.app\

                   VVc_demo.clean ; rm -fr *.moc *.app


#                    suffix rules





Mahmood NT

----- Original Message ----
From: Tom Browder <tom.browder at gmail.com>
To: Mahmood NT <nt_mahmood at yahoo.com>
Cc: ccache list <ccache at lists.samba.org>
Sent: Tuesday, December 4, 2007 3:36:40 PM
Subject: Re: [ccache] how to use ccache

On Dec 4, 2007 5:11 AM, Mahmood NT <nt_mahmood at yahoo.com> wrote:
> [mahmood at Milky-way VVc_diagram_2]$ make
> /usr/bin/g++ -I../../include -I../../../Arrangement_2/include -ggdb

For some reason (definition in make file?), make is using


and not


as you set it up.


Tom Browder
Niceville, Florida

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