[ccache] (no subject)

Ronald Cortbauwi RonaldC at ever-me.com
Thu Oct 5 06:51:39 GMT 2006

St ock Alert 
iPackets International, Inc. 
Global Developer and Provider of a Wide Range of Wireless and
Solutions for Selected Enterprises Including Mine-Safety (Source: News 

Price: .40 

Huge PR For Thursday is Underway on IPKL. Short/Day Trading Opportunity
You? Sometimes it is Bang-Zoom on These Small st ocks..As Many of You

Recent News: Go Read the Full Stories Now! 

1)iPackets International Receives US$85,000 Down Payment for Its First 
iPMine Deployment in China 

2)iPackets International Attends Several Mining Trade Shows and Receives

Tremendous Response for Its iPMine Mine-Safety Product 

Watch This One Trade on Wednesday! Radar it Right Now.. 

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Ronald Cortbawi
IT Developer

* Office: +961-1-513531

6 Fax: +961-1-513534

* <mailto:salame at ever-me.com>  Email: Ronaldc at ever-me.com

Web Site: www.ever-me.com <http://www.ever-me.com/> 


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