[Samba] Samba domain name in short format

Sun, Zhongdong zhongdong.sun at yale.edu
Mon May 6 19:50:18 UTC 2024

Hello everyone,

We have a Samba server that experiences very strange problems. I wonder if anyone can provide some advice.

This is a Redhat 8.4 machine with Samba 4.13.3. We setup Samba according to Redat document https://access.redhat.com/solutions/3802321 .It works well in most cases but has some issues. When user tries to mount a share from his/her PC, he/she must use the long format of domain name, such as yu.yale.edu\zs24. It works but most users don't like it. Instead, all users prefer to use the short format like YALE\zs24, but this doesn't work anymore. Here, YALE is a short format of yu.yale.edu. This short format works well in Redhat 7.4 with Samba 4.6.2. But we have to upgrade Redhat 7.x to 8.x.

I wonder if anyone experienced similar issues or has any direction on what's going on here. Any advice will be appreciated.


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