[Samba] winbind: does it actually depend on nmbd? and network-online?

Michael Tokarev mjt at tls.msk.ru
Thu May 2 11:48:55 UTC 2024

02.05.2024 14:17, Rowland Penny via samba wrote:
> On Thu, 2 May 2024 13:44:47 +0300
> Michael Tokarev via samba <samba at lists.samba.org> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> In packaging/systemd/winbind.service, there's this ordering:
>> After=network.target nmb.service
>> Does winbind really need nmbd running?
> Well, no and yes ;-)
> No, if you are running Samba as an AD Unix domain member without SMBv1
> (in which case, you do not need nmbd at all), but if you are still
> running an NT4-style domain, then you need nmbd to provide NetBIOS
> Browsing.

Okay, I suspected it will be a bit more difficult.  Let's put it this
way: does winbind in non-AD environment really need NetBIOS Browsing to
work?  Or if it does, where the requirement is coming from?  Or maybe,
can it be avoided, like, by providing LMHOSTS entry?

Winbind being dependent on UDP-based, quite fragile, browsing sounds like
a good way to disaster.

And yes, I know full well that these days, nmbd and netbois aren't used.



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