Kai l1800turbo at gmail.com
Mon Mar 25 06:39:21 UTC 2024

Hello everyone,

I have a Samba setup with an AD controller (DC01) and set up a second 
system which should work as file share (filesrv01).
I was setting it up using this manual: 

Somehow, I broke the administrator's account. After I set up a test 
share, I got RPC server unavailable errors. I started investigating and 
found test commands like this:
rpcclient -I -U administrator -c srvinfo atr2
Password for [JUE\administrator]:
Cannot connect to server.  Error was NT_STATUS_INVALID_SID

Here I got this invalid SID error. The log file shows me:
[2024/03/24 22:23:53.903483,  0] 
  Unable to convert first SID 
(S-1-5-21-3102633239-3317503863-27722425-500) in user token to a UID. 
  Conversion was returned as type 0, full token:
[2024/03/24 22:23:53.903588,  0] 
  Security token SIDs (14):
    SID[  0]: S-1-5-21-3102633239-3317503863-27722425-500
    SID[  1]: S-1-5-21-3102633239-3317503863-27722425-513
    SID[  2]: S-1-5-21-3102633239-3317503863-27722425-512
    SID[  3]: S-1-5-21-3102633239-3317503863-27722425-572
    SID[  4]: S-1-5-21-3102633239-3317503863-27722425-519
    SID[  5]: S-1-5-21-3102633239-3317503863-27722425-518
    SID[  6]: S-1-5-21-3102633239-3317503863-27722425-520
    SID[  7]: S-1-1-0
    SID[  8]: S-1-5-2
    SID[  9]: S-1-5-11
    SID[ 10]: S-1-5-64-10
    SID[ 11]: S-1-5-32-544
    SID[ 12]: S-1-5-32-545
    SID[ 13]: S-1-5-32-554
   Privileges (0x        1FFFFF00):
    Privilege[  0]: SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege
    Privilege[  1]: SeBackupPrivilege
    Privilege[  2]: SeRestorePrivilege
    Privilege[  3]: SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege
    Privilege[  4]: SeSecurityPrivilege
    Privilege[  5]: SeSystemtimePrivilege
    Privilege[  6]: SeShutdownPrivilege
    Privilege[  7]: SeDebugPrivilege
    Privilege[  8]: SeSystemEnvironmentPrivilege
    Privilege[  9]: SeSystemProfilePrivilege
    Privilege[ 10]: SeProfileSingleProcessPrivilege
    Privilege[ 11]: SeIncreaseBasePriorityPrivilege
    Privilege[ 12]: SeLoadDriverPrivilege
    Privilege[ 13]: SeCreatePagefilePrivilege
    Privilege[ 14]: SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege
    Privilege[ 15]: SeChangeNotifyPrivilege
    Privilege[ 16]: SeUndockPrivilege
    Privilege[ 17]: SeManageVolumePrivilege
    Privilege[ 18]: SeImpersonatePrivilege
    Privilege[ 19]: SeCreateGlobalPrivilege
    Privilege[ 20]: SeEnableDelegationPrivilege
   Rights (0x             403):
    Right[  0]: SeInteractiveLogonRight
    Right[  1]: SeNetworkLogonRight
    Right[  2]: SeRemoteInteractiveLogonRight

It seems as if I've got a problem between Unix and Windows user IDs, but 
I don't know how to check without further destruction.
Currently my only idea was the command
net rpc rights grant "SAMDOM\Domain Admins" SeDiskOperatorPrivilege -U 
from the manual which could have caused problems as all other ones 
should only have local effect on the file server.

Could this be? Did I forget some Unix attachment?

I don't know if it's helpful, but this is the smb.conf of the domain 
        netbios name = DC01
        realm = JUE.BRK
        server role = active directory domain controller
        workgroup = JUE

        dns forwarder =

        idmap_ldb:use rfc2307 = yes

        tls enabled  = yes
        tls keyfile  = tls/dc01.jue.brk.key
        tls certfile = tls/dc01.jue.brk.crt
        tls cafile   = tls/rootCA.crt

        template shell = /bin/bash
        template homedir = /home/%U

   idmap config * :              backend = tdb
   idmap config * :              range   = 3000-7999
   idmap config JUE : backend = ldap
   idmap config JUE : range   = 100000-999999
   template shell = /bin/bash
         winbind nss info = template
        include = /etc/samba/shares.conf

        path = /var/lib/samba/sysvol
        read only = No

        path = /var/lib/samba/sysvol/jue.brk/scripts
        read only = No

Thank you for any hints!

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