[Samba] kcc_periodic output

Douglas Bagnall douglas.bagnall at catalyst.net.nz
Tue Jan 30 23:19:02 UTC 2024

On 22/01/24 13:40, Elias Pereira via samba wrote:
> hi,
> *EDIT*: Every 2 hours kcc_periodic.c is executed
> The error occurs on all 4 of my DCs:
> [2024/01/19 14:02:05.917120, 0]
> source4/dsdb/kcc/kcc_periodic.c:790(samba_kcc_done)
>    source4/dsdb/kcc/kcc_periodic.c:790: Failed samba_kcc -
> Today I enabled logging at level 5 and monitored DC1. There was no error,
> on the contrary, kcc_periodic.c ran correctly and the message was Ok.
> [2024/01/19 16:04:30.732009, 3]
> ../../source4/dsdb/kcc/kcc_periodic.c:793(samba_kcc_done)
>    Completed samba_kcc OK
> Why the difference between running with and without log level?

I don't know the answer to that, but I think setting

     samba kcc command = /usr/sbin/samba_kcc -d5

will turn up the log level on the samba_kcc subprocess itself and not on 
everything else.

samba_kcc should be running every 5 minutes, not every 2 hours, so I'd 
be looking for something else that is making your network seize up every 
two hours.

As it happens, 2 hours is the DNS record scavenging interval, but I 
don't see how that would affect this.


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