[Samba] Listing behaviour in 4.18

Ilias Chasapakis forumZFD chasapakis at forumZFD.de
Tue Jan 23 16:20:22 UTC 2024

Dear all,

Passing from samba 4.17 to 4.18 we noticed a change in behaviour in 
folder/files listing.

In 4.17 when someone had read and open rights for a folder but no 
write/modify access then the folder would be visible but clicking on any 
"non-accessible" resource resulted in a message notifying that no access 
was granted.

Since 4.18 the folder is simply completely invisible. I don´ t argue 
about this being "correct" behaviour or not. It is just that our users 
where just used to having the whole list and knowing what is in there 
(and eventually ask access to it to us or the relevant department that 
then forwards to us).

Is there a way to have that "old behaviour" back while still using samba 
4.18? We tried the options suggested in some forums (access based share 
enum = no, hide unreadable = no) for the samba configuration to no 
avail. Is there actually some option or any other ACL setting technique 
that can bring back that behaviour?


Entschieden für Frieden | Committed to Peace

Ilias Chasapakis
Referent IT | IT Consultant

Forum Ziviler Friedensdienst e.V. | Forum Civil Peace Service
Am Kölner Brett 8 | 50825 Köln | Germany

Tel 0221 91273243 | Fax 0221 91273299 | http://www.forumZFD.de

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Alexander Mauz, Sonja Wiekenberg-Mlalandle, Jens von Bargen
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