[Samba] RSAT Error - not enough memory to move object

Paul Littlefield info at paully.co.uk
Mon Jan 8 11:42:48 UTC 2024

I am nearly there :)

I tried using the editor to change the CN but got this message about using 'rename' ...

$ samba-tool user edit jbloggs --editor=nano
ERROR(ldb): Failed to modify user 'jbloggs':  - Modify of 'distinguishedName' on CN=Joe Bloggs,OU=ICT,OU=XCompany Users,DC=xcompany,DC=com not permitted, must use 'rename' operation instead

... but the rename --help did not give me a good enough example.  I would like to move that user from OU=ICT to the AD Group 'Disabled' like our test user (dn: CN=Bugs Bunny,OU=Disabled,OU=xCompany Users,DC=xcompany,DC=com)

So, can someone give me an actual command line please?

$ samba-tool user rename jbloggs '???????????'



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