[Samba] Fail kerberos method = secrets and keytab and net offlinejoin requestodj

Simon FONTENEAU sfonteneau at tranquil.it
Mon Feb 19 11:21:53 UTC 2024

Hello everyone,

For the context, I'm trying to add support for offline join in WAPT WADS 
OS deployment [1]. Currently WADS supports offline join of Windows 
computers, and I want to add support for Linux computer using SSSD as a 
authentication client (for the persons who might dismiss this mail 
because of a certain keywords, yes it is related to sssd, but it 
triggers a Samba bug). I also reuse the system keytab for wapt agent auth.

On samba 4.19, if you add the following lines in smb.conf file 
**BEFORE** running offlinejoin, net offlinejoin coredumps:

     kerberos method = secrets and keytab
     dedicated keytab file = FILE:/etc/krb5.keytab

With a minimal /etc/samba/smb.conf, net offlinejoin does works. Edit 
smb.conf :

     workgroup = DOMAIN
     security = ADS
     realm = AD.DOMAIN.LAN

Then run offlinejoin :

     net offlinejoin requestodj  loadfile=/root/djoin.blob

To get the keytab file, you can then add the "kerberos method" and 
"dedicated keytab file" mentionned above **AFTER** offlinejoin, and then 
run :

     net ads keytab create

Now I have a system keytab /etc/krb5.keytab file for SSSD and WAPT.

I'll fill a bugzilla entry for this coredump.



PS: I know I can recreate a keytab from secrets.tdb, this mail was just 
a follow-up to my previous email and the coredump scenario.

PPS : I know a coredump is not proper error handling mechanism

PPPS : this is not a SSSD vs Winbind argument, just trying to make sssd 
works out of the box after silent automatic deployment

[1] https://www.wapt.fr/en/doc/

Le 17/02/2024 à 02:42, Simon FONTENEAU via samba a écrit :
 > Hello
 > I don't know if this is normal behavior (does the djoin have the spn?):
 > When a have kerberos method in smb.conf :
 > kerberos method = secrets and keytab
 > Joining with offlinejoin does not work:
 > root at testjoinlinux:/# net offlinejoin requestodj loadfile=/root/djoin
 > ===============================================================
 > INTERNAL ERROR: Signal 11: Erreur de segmentation in net () () pid 
3088 (4.19.4-Debian)
 > If you are running a recent Samba version, and if you think this 
problem is not yet fixed in the latest versions, please consider 
reporting this bug, see https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Bug_Reporting
 > ===============================================================
 > PANIC (pid 3088): Signal 11: Erreur de segmentation in 4.19.4-Debian
 > BACKTRACE: 17 stack frames:
 >  #0 
 >  #1 
 >  #2 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/samba/libgenrand-samba4.so.0(+0x28f1) 
 >  #3 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(+0x3c050) [0x7f11c6bd4050]
 >  #4 
 >  #5 
 >  #6 
 >  #7 
 >  #8 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libnetapi.so.1(libnet_Join+0x13c9) 
 >  #9 
 >  #10 
 >  #11 net(net_offlinejoin_requestodj+0xff) [0x562f957fcdff]
 >  #12 net(net_offlinejoin+0xa5) [0x562f957fd795]
 >  #13 net(main+0xaca) [0x562f957b4cda]
 >  #14 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(+0x2724a) [0x7f11c6bbf24a]
 >  #15 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0x85) 
 >  #16 net(_start+0x21) [0x562f957b4ef1]
 > Can not dump core: corepath not set up

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