[Samba] ipv6 with Samba-AD-DC?

Joachim Lindenberg samba at lindenberg.one
Thu Feb 15 15:10:14 UTC 2024

By accident one of my DCs has IPv6 enabled, contrary to the other two DCs. I don´t remember whether I turned IPv6 on or off explicitly on any of these, but anyway…

I also run a monitoring tool that checks whether „published services“ are available, and it performs checking for any IP-Address known. Now the tool thus tested the DC with IPv6 enabled whether it responds to DNS queries on IPv6, and it doesn´t, netstat -a -n  | grep LISTEN | grep ":53" shows tcp and no tcp6.

I didn´t find a configuration option to enable/disable IPv6, thus I am wondering whether this is by design or just a leftover. Or did I miss some documentation?




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