[Samba] Error: Failed to open share info database /var/lib/samba/share_info.tdb

Bestattungen Vitt - Thomas Reitelbach t.reitelbach at bestattungen-vitt.de
Thu Feb 1 12:24:36 UTC 2024

Sorry for the inconvenience, I accidently sent the message forwarded 
below to Christian direct instead to the list.

As a follow-up to my own mail I can now clearly confirm:
root at fs1:~# net rpc rights list privileges SeDiskOperatorPrivilege -U 
Password for [ADVITT\Administrator]:
   ADVITT\Domain Admins

Domain Admins have the SeDiskOperatorPrivilege and my testing user is a 
Domain Admin :)


-------- Originalnachricht --------
Betreff: Re: [Samba] Error: Failed to open share info database 
Datum: 01.02.2024 11:15
Von: Bestattungen Vitt - Thomas Reitelbach 
<t.reitelbach at bestattungen-vitt.de>
An: Christian Naumer <christian.naumer at greyfish.net>

Am 01.02.2024 10:23, schrieb Christian Naumer via samba:
> Am 01.02.24 um 08:58 schrieb Bestattungen Vitt - Thomas Reitelbach via 
> samba:
>> c) is it may fault because I have made a configuration error, so I 
>> would blame myself and ask you kindly for a hint into the right 
>> direction ...
> Are you doing this with an account that has "SeDiskOperatorPrivilege" 
> set?
> Regards
> Christian

Thank you Christian, currently the server is not running to verify it, 
but I know I have set SeDiskOperatorPrivilege to "ADVITT\Domain Admins".
I tried to set the share permissions logged in on Windows as 
"ADVITT\Administrator" and as "ADVITT\Thomas" who belongs to the Group 
"Domain Admins".


Bestattungen Vitt oHG
Inhaber Willi & Thomas Reitelbach
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