[Samba] Error: Failed to open share info database /var/lib/samba/share_info.tdb

Bestattungen Vitt - Thomas Reitelbach t.reitelbach at bestattungen-vitt.de
Thu Feb 1 07:58:29 UTC 2024

Hello people,

on my way to implement a new file server for my enterprise I stumble 
over a problem which I never had before with older samba versions and 
this _might_ be a new unaddressed bug in samba. First some details 
regarding my environment:

OS: Debian bookworm (12)
Samba-Version: stock debian 4.17.12 (also tried 4.19.4 from backports 
with no luck)
Environment: Samba configured as member server in an existing 
smb.conf (see end of my mail for better readability):

As you can see in my smb.conf I have a share named "Users" which will 
hold users personal data later on. As per the recommendations in the 
samba wiki I have to set share permissions on it (see 
and THIS does not work.
When I try to set share permissions (not the security tab, I really talk 
about the tab "share permission") my settings are not stored in any way 
but reverted immediately after cliking "ok". Samba log spits out the 
following message:

Feb 01 08:20:19 fs1 rpcd_classic[600]: [2024/02/01 08:20:19.721212,  0] 
Feb 01 08:20:19 fs1 rpcd_classic[600]:   Failed to open share info 
database /var/lib/samba/share_info.tdb (Keine Berechtigung)

"Keine Berechtigung" means "no permission" or "access denied". These are 
the permissions on the file:
root at fs1:/var/lib/samba# ls -la share_info.tdb
-rwx------ 1 root root 421888  1. Feb 08:20 share_info.tdb

Now I tried just for testing to set permissions 777 on this file an et 
voila, share permissions are beeing stored without any error.

I have found a bug on bugzilla which looks similar but with a different 
topic - but maybe the reason for the bug might be the same:

Now we are at the point where I need your help to identify the cause for 
my problem:
a) is it wrong file system permissions on the file, so I should blame 
debian package maintainers to correct it?
b) is there a bug similar to bug no. 15265 as stated above, so I would 
open a new bug on samba bugzilla
c) is it may fault because I have made a configuration error, so I would 
blame myself and ask you kindly for a hint into the right direction ...

Thank you in advance for your advice :)

### SMB.CONF ###

### Grundkonfiguration ###
      security = ADS
      workgroup = ADVITT
      realm = ADVITT.SITE

      log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
      log level = 1

      # The default (*) domain:
      idmap config * : backend = tdb
      idmap config * : range = 3000-7999

      # The ADVITT Domain:
      idmap config ADVITT : backend = rid
      idmap config ADVITT : range = 10000-99000

      template shell = /bin/bash
      template homedir = /home/%U

      vfs objects = acl_xattr full_audit recycle
      map acl inherit = yes

### Erweiterte Konfiguration – Features ###
### Gültig für alle Shares

      full_audit:prefix = %u|%I|%m|%S
      full_audit:failure = none
      full_audit:facility = local7
      full_audit:priority = NOTICE

      recycle:repository = .recycle
      recycle:directory_mode = 0770
      recycle:keeptree = yes
      recycle:versions = yes
      recycle:touch = yes
      recycle:touch_mtime = yes
      recycle:maxsize = 0

### Allgemeine Freigaben ###

      path = /data/shares/Users
      comment = Persönliche Benutzerordner
      read only = no

### [cut of other share definitions because they are all the same 
config] ###

Bestattungen Vitt oHG
Inhaber Willi & Thomas Reitelbach
Rochusstraße 176
53123 Bonn-Duisdorf
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRA 7958

Facebook:     http://www.facebook.de/bestattungenvitt
Gedenkportal: http://begleiten.bestattungen-vitt.de
Internet:     http://www.bestattungen-vitt.de

Telefon: 0228 - 62 68 68
Fax: 0228 - 978 30 36

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