[Samba] SAMBA 4.20 - function level upgrade

Ralph Boehme slow at samba.org
Thu Apr 11 10:32:13 UTC 2024

Tomáš, Andrew,

I just became aware of this thread and noticed that there's likely a 
problem in our SAMBA+ packages.

Sorry that this has caused you such a hard time!

Afair we have one or two minor modifications that ought to improve 
compatibility with Exchange schema extensions, but I don't remember the 

Once we've figured out what's wrong, we'll let you know. Due to SambaXP 
next week we're currently quite busy, so this will probably happen after 
SambaXP. Sorry!

Please don't hesitate to contact us directly in the future if you have 
any problems with our packages! We're committed to making life easier 
for our users, not harder :)


SerNet Samba Team Lead
Samba Support, Consulting and Development
Samba Team Member      https://samba.org/
SAMBA+ packages       https://samba.plus/

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