[Samba] Samba AD DC: users cannot change expired passwords

Kees van Vloten keesvanvloten at gmail.com
Thu Oct 26 19:31:40 UTC 2023

Hi Tobias and Rowland,

Is there any progress on topic?

Not here at least, I am still unable to change expired passwords, at 
least  over LDAP, whereas that worked fine before 4.18.6.  In the 
meantime I moved to 4.19.2 (and to Bookworm) but nothing changed.

I have enabled LDAP password change in enabled dsheuristics (value: 
000000001) in order to accommodate the self-service-password webui (from 
ltb-project.org), which is a handy tool for users without desktop access 
to change their password when it is that time again.

As such the tool still works fine, except that it is no longer possible 
to change expired passwords. I looked back in git history if something 
changed on the configuration of self-service-password but recently there 
were no changes (last was in Feb. 22).

The audit_auth.log on the DC just shows an expired message and that's it:

{"timestamp": "2023-10-26T20:21:10.245303+0200", "type": 
"Authentication", "Authentication": {"version": {"major": 1, "minor": 
3}, "eventId": 4625, "logonId": "0", "logonType": 8, "status": 
"NT_STATUS_PASSWORD_EXPIRED", "localAddress": "ipv4:", 
"remoteAddress": "ipv4:", "serviceDescription": 
"LDAP", "authDescription": "simple bind/TLS", "clientDomain": "SAMDOM", 
"clientAccount": "CN=test 1 user,OU=User Accounts,DC=samdom,DC=com", 
"workstation": "DC1", "becameAccount": null, "becameDomain": null, 
"becameSid": null, "mappedAccount": "test1", "mappedDomain": "SAMDOM", 
"netlogonComputer": null, "netlogonTrustAccount": null, 
"netlogonNegotiateFlags": "0x00000000", "netlogonSecureChannelType": 0, 
"netlogonTrustAccountSid": null, "passwordType": "Plaintext", 
"clientPolicyAccessCheck": null, "serverPolicyAccessCheck": null, 
"duration": 5351}}

log.samba has as litte info (at loglevel 3):

[2023/10/26 20:21:10.240175,  3] 
   auth_check_password_send: Checking password for unmapped user 
   auth_check_password_send: user is: [SAMDOM]\[test1]@[DC1]
[2023/10/26 20:21:10.245239,  2] 
   sam_account_ok: Account for user 'test1' password expired!.
[2023/10/26 20:21:10.245253,  2] 
   sam_account_ok: Password expired at 'Mon Aug 14 11:54:53 2023 CEST' 
unix time.
[2023/10/26 20:21:10.245274,  2] 
   auth_check_password_recv: sam authentication for user [SAMDOM\test1] 
FAILED with error NT_STATUS_PASSWORD_EXPIRED, authoritative=1
[2023/10/26 20:21:10.245284,  2] 
   Auth: [LDAP,simple bind/TLS] user [SAMDOM]\[CN=test 1 user,OU=User 
Accounts,DC=samdom,DC=com] at [Thu, 26 Oct 2023 20:21:10.245280 CEST] 
with [Plaintext] status [NT_STATUS_PASSWORD_EXPIRED] workstation [DC1] 
remote host [ipv4:] mapped to [SAMDOM]\[test1]. local 
host [ipv4:]

- Kees.

Op 26-09-2023 om 09:05 schreef Pluess, Tobias via samba:
> Hi Rowland
> I went to my DC and set the samba log level to 10.
> Then I rebooted the DC.
> Afterwards, I went to the windows 10 machine and first logged in as a
> "normal" user that has no expired password. That worked of course well.
> Then I logged out and tried to log in as a new user, that has never logged
> in before, and whose account was configured as "user needs to change the
> password on first login". Then I was stuck in the "password expired" loop
> as described before.
> I uploaded the log.samba file to my Nextcloud
> https://hb9fsx.ch/nextcloud/s/bW8zx52TaTsJ44j
> as it is quite large. I marked the positions in the log where i logged in
> as "######## existing user login #######" and "######## new user with
> expired password login #######" so they can be found easily.
> But I believe the log is, unfortunately, not very helpful, as I cannot see
> any messages about the expired passwords, I cannot even find the user names
> of users who logged in, so therefore this log file is probably either not
> the right one or it will be difficult to impossible to learn something
> about this problem from that log. Nevertheless I wanted to share it  with
> you as you still may find something in there, hopefully.
> Let me know if I can help with providing further log files or doing other
> experiments.
> Thanks,
> best
> Tobias
> On Mon, Sep 25, 2023 at 5:16 PM Rowland Penny via samba <
> samba at lists.samba.org> wrote:
>> On Mon, 25 Sep 2023 16:47:57 +0200
>> "Pluess, Tobias via samba" <samba at lists.samba.org> wrote:
>>> Hi Rowland,
>>> yes I also got this message that was from Kees but signed by me. I
>>> did not send it. But I did send the very first message, though.
>> It confused me no end, can I suggest that if anyone replies to a samba
>> mailing list post, they just reply to the list, do not 'CC' anyone else
>> and do not reply to anyone else. That way, anyone who is subscribed to
>> the list will get the reply.
>>> I just checked the logs on the DC. There is nothing relevant in
>>> there. I cannot see any errors whatsoever.
>>> The strange thing is:
>>> When the password is expired, the user can, on the Windows 10 login
>>> page, literally enter ANY password, and gets the message "your
>>> password is expired" and when the user tries to change his password,
>>> no matter if the correct or a random password is entered as the old
>>> password, the message "password expired" appears again and the login
>>> is stuck in this forever loop unless "cancel" is clicked, which, of
>>> course, cancels the login.
>> I think that the password may or may not be changing, but either way,
>> the other relevant attributes do not seem to be being reset. Note,
>> this all guess work.
>>> So I checked every log file under /var/log/samba on my DCs (I have
>>> two off them, dc0 and dc1, which are rsync'ed).
>>> Let me know which config I shall change to increase the loglevel and
>>> I will do that and post the logs here.
>> Raising the loglevel on any Samba machine is fairly easy, you just add
>> the very aptly named parameter 'log level' to the global part of the
>> smb.conf , this should also point to a number, the higher the number,
>> the bigger the log. For instance, add 'log level = 3' will make Samba
>> log at level 3, you could try raising this number until something
>> possibly 'pops' out, The maximum level I would go to would be 10, but
>> beware, the logs at that level will be very large. You will also need
>> to restart your DC after adding the parameter or changing the log level.
>> Rowland
>> --
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