[Samba] First use of cd ~user fails on systems using winbind

Jason Keltz jas at yorku.ca
Thu Oct 19 19:34:46 UTC 2023


I'm running the latest Samba 4.18 on our dc (Linux - Rocky 8.8), and the 
clients are running the latest 4.17 (Linux - Rocky 8.8) to be upgraded 
to 4.18 soon.

I've noticed an issue for awhile that is really quite strange and wonder 
if anyone has any thoughts on this.

Samba/Kerberos auth has been setup and working for quite a long time, 
and I don't think the configuration of Samba really has anything to do 
with this issue, but just wondering if someone has seen this issue.

Once I login to my system as me (GNOME) and open a terminal, if I try to 
"cd ~jas" (my user ID) I get: "Unknown user: jas".

Any time after the first fail, I can "cd ~jas" and it works fine.

If open a new terminal, and run "whoami" right away, it says "jas", and 
then try "cd ~jas", again the first time it reports: Unknown user: jas, 
and the next cd ~jas works without error.

If I open a new terminal, and run "cd /cs/home/jas" which is what ~jas 
would be expanded to then it works, but again if I follow that with "cd 
~jas" I get: Unknown user: jas the first time.  Do it again and it works.

If I open a terminal, and run "id", then I get back the proper id info 
exactly as I expect, but again, run "cd ~jas" and I get "User unknown: 
jas" the first time.

If I open a terminal, and run "echo ~jas" it returns the "Unknown user: 
jas", and if I echo ~jas again it works.

On the other hand, if I open a terminal and immediately run "echo ~" 
then it returns "/cs/home/jas" and if I type "cd ~" it works, but if I 
type "cd ~jas" it again returns Unknown user: jas the first time.

In /etc/nsswitch.conf I do have (among other lines):

passwd:      files winbind systemd
shadow:     files
group:       files winbind systemd

  I even tried removing "files" from the passwd line, and got the same 

Any thoughts?  I'm guessing potential OS bug? but surely I wouldn't be 
the first person to recognize it.


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