[Samba] samba bind9 "unknown option 'dlz'"

Ashley Labuschagne ashley at softwareshack.co.za
Tue Oct 10 09:29:33 UTC 2023

Hi everyone

I will appreciate any advice!

(migrating from an NT4 DC, all-in-one)
I have set up Rocky 9 (on a separate box for AD DC)
samba 4.19.0

I first tried with the internal dns but can't get the dns to work, and 
giving very strange results, so am trying to switch to bind.

Because the OS come with bind 9.16, I have installed from here:

bind 9.18.19

When I start bind I get this error:

           /usr/local/samba/bind-dns/named.conf:12: unknown option 'dlz'

Untitled Document

Many thanx
Best regards

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