[Samba] dynamic DNS updates by DHCP script only for IPv4

Rowland Penny rpenny at samba.org
Wed Nov 22 08:56:41 UTC 2023

On Wed, 22 Nov 2023 08:49:33 +0100
Thomas Schachtner via samba <samba at lists.samba.org> wrote:

> Hi folks,
> after having received great help from you guys, I dare to ask another 
> question here.
> I am working with a system which has IPv6 enabled and where clients 
> should update their AAAA records as soon as they have been assigned
> by the DHCPv6 server.
> (As a side-question: I know that DHCPv6 is not very common and that 
> SLAAC is very common, but how do that people use DNSv6 registration 
> then? Only DNS(v4) is only a workaround, given that the future may be 
> IPv6 some time and as soon as dual-stack configurations are not 
> necessary anymore, they have serious problems with name resolution of 
> their clients which have their IP addresses automatically assigned.
> Or am I missing something?)
> I am using the script from the following page, which is working 
> perfectly fine - for IPv4 addresses:
> https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Configure_DHCP_to_update_DNS_records
> Is there a similar script (or an extension of the current one) also 
> available for IPv6? (I don't think that I can update by myself...)
> Or (again) am I missing some important point and my issue can be
> solved differently?
> Best
> Tom

I know of no script that will do what you require and have no
inclination to alter the current script, for the following reasons:

isc-dhcp-server is EOL, they now what you to use KEA instead, this, in
my opinion, is like using the worlds largest hydraulic hammer to crack
a nut, your opinion may differ.
I do not have over sixteen million dhcp clients, so I do not use IPv6.

If you wish to take and modify the existing script, then be my guest,
just be aware, I will not be doing so.


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