[Samba] WInbind hang?

Rowland Penny rpenny at samba.org
Thu Nov 16 22:05:13 UTC 2023

On Thu, 16 Nov 2023 13:42:38 -0800
"Aaron C. de Bruyn via samba" <samba at lists.samba.org> wrote:

> I've had that happen in the past with non-RedHat linux boxes.
> Fortunately we have Saltstack on all the boxes and can just salt '*'
> cmd.run 'killall -SIGKILL winbindd; service winbind restart'
> But it hangs SSH sessions and things like 'ls -lha' that need to
> resolve usernames and groups.
> i.e. if you removed winbind from /etc/nsswitch.conf it would stop
> happening.
> The issue stopped happening to us in more recent versions.  We're
> using 4.17.12 from the Debian repos.
> The last time I used RedHat, I noticed they loved having software
> that was wildly out-of-date in the name of stability and
> compatibility.  YMMV. ;)

Doesn't RHEL 7 use Samba 4.10.x ?
I seem to remember that there was a problem with the redhat packages
and SSH.

If it is RHEL7, then if there is an unfixed bug (unfixed as in it has
been fixed in a later version of Samba and not backported), you will
probably not get it fixed, in which case, would it be possible to
upgrade to 8 or 9 ?
This would get you 4.16.4 or 4.18.6


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