[Samba] windows workstations needing reboot to validate passwords. --ADDENDUM

james.atwell365 at gmail.com james.atwell365 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 16 18:27:19 UTC 2023

Have you setup Samba audit logging? This may aid in your efforts to see the reasons for not authenticating from the servers perspective.  


-----Original Message-----
From: samba <samba-bounces at lists.samba.org> On Behalf Of Ray Klassen via samba
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2023 1:11 PM
To: samba at lists.samba.org
Subject: [Samba] windows workstations needing reboot to validate passwords. --ADDENDUM

I am (earlier reported under the subject "Peculiar Problem") having an issue that started several weeks ago, where windows (10 pro, server
2019) computers randomly get into a state where they refuse to validate passwords. Rebooting (sometimes several times) makes the problem go away. You can also log in if you disconnect the PC from the network and then reconnect.

List of changes around the time it started.

Samba upgrade to 4.19.2
Samba schema upgrade to 2012_R2 functional level Samba upgrade to 2008 functional level

List of measures taken (hoping that if best practises are not being observed, implementing them will fix things!!)

Moved DNS from SAMBA_INTERNAL to BIND_DLZ Moved ntp from ntpsec to chrony

Diagnostic steps

Packet dumps (decoded with keytab) and loglevel 255 show no glaring issues or errors.

Going to try restarting all of the DC's next time it happens to determine if the miscommunication originates with windows or samba.

Windows Eventviewer lists failure as
Event ID 4625
Status 0xC000006D
Sub Status 0x0
Failure reason %%2304

Any other suggestions welcome!!

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