[Samba] Account Unknown: SID not resolvable

james.atwell365 at gmail.com james.atwell365 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 16 18:14:56 UTC 2023



When viewing the Security tab of a user object I find 2 username/groups that
display their SID as opposed to their username with Account Unknown. I tried
to use 'wbinfo -s' with the SID but it's unable to return a result. Using a
well know SID works without issue.  


At one point this domain used 'idmap_ldb:use rfc2307 = yes' in the smb.conf
file when it was initially provisioned. It's no longer used on any DC and my
understanding by removing, GID's will not be resolvable and should have no
affect on SID's. 


To aid in my troubleshooting, can someone share what security usernames and
groups are created on a typical new user or group account? 


The two sid's I have with an unknown account name are as follows.





Are there other things I should be looking at resolve this concern?  Thank




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