[Samba] Linux/Windows Domain Controller

matti.kaupenjohann matti.kaupenjohann at fh-dortmund.de
Mon Nov 6 14:20:53 UTC 2023

First attempt failed with password. Switched to Kerberos cache and 
finally my samba joined the domain. Now that I understand how to do 
this, why is the documentation that vague about it? even the changelogs 
doesn't give any hint in this direction.

Am 11/2/23 um 17:02 schrieb Stefan Kania via samba:
> Am 30.10.23 um 13:25 schrieb matti.kaupenjohann via samba:
>> did nobody before joined a Windows Functional Level 2016 Domain with 
>> Samba 4.19?
> I did, with:
> samba-tool domain join example.net DC --realm=example.net --option="ad 
> dc functional level = 2016"  --dns-backend=BIND9_DLZ 
> --backend-store=mdb -Uadministrator

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Matti Kaupenjohann

Fachhochschule Dortmund
University of Applied Sciences and Arts

*Kaupenjohann, Matti*
FB Informationstechnik,

Sonnenstraße 96 - 44139 Dortmund
Raum SON-A A701.4
Tel     0231 9112 9190
matti.kaupenjohann at fh-dortmund.de

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