[Samba] PAM Offline Authentication in Ubuntu 22.04

Marco Gaiarin gaio at lilliput.linux.it
Mon Jun 26 14:25:05 UTC 2023

Mandi! Rowland Penny via samba
  In chel di` si favelave...

> I Logged in as a domain user to a Ubuntu 22.04 Unix domain member.
> Everything worked as expected.

OK, this also for me.

> disconnected network, everything still worked okay.

And not, this not. As just stated, if i tackle with DNS the best i can get
is to short down delays, that became decent; but still if i disconnect the
cable or shut off the wireless, immediately an:

	id gaio

return user unknown, and if i open a new terminal windows/tab, i got the
prompt with 'unknown user'.

My problem seems a bit deeper. Shorten the delay alleviate some correlated
aspects (eg, now i can shut down the machine, or re-enable the wireless
network) but the trouble remain... Winbind/NSS cache does not work.

  La BBS e' come il mio frigorifero... da tanti anni fa in silenzio un ottimo
  lavoro, al punto tale che mi accorgo della sua utilita' solo quando manca la
  corrente e tutto quello che contiene diventa inutilizzabile. (E. Margelli)

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