[Samba] Rocky linux 9 - Samba AD

Rowland Penny rpenny at samba.org
Thu Jun 22 15:07:21 UTC 2023

On 22/06/2023 15:47, Metin Koc via samba wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I am looking dependency list to install Samba AD on Rocky Linux 9 but have yet to find any information. I found some useful articles for version 8 however, started to believe it's neither ready for Rocky Linux 9 nor other derivatives. Wondering it's true or is there any solution for it.
> Many thanks in advance.
> Best,
> Metin

Depends on what you mean by 'install Samba AD'.

If you mean running Samba as a Unix domain member, then it works out of 
the box.

If you mean running Samba as an AD DC, that's where it gets a bit 
difficult. The standard OS packages cannot be provisioned as a DC, there 
just isn't the code.
You would need to find a repo that holds Samba packages that can be 
provisioned, Sernet or Tranquil IT for instance, or you will have to 
build Samba yourself.


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