[Samba] Synology shares not accessible...

Ingo Asche foren at asche-rz.de
Wed Jun 21 08:30:39 UTC 2023

Hi Rowland,

good point...

That seems to be the only SID which popps up in the logs from the 
Synology device. I found no other.

I'm just looking at the same log on my working machines if this is 
popping up there, too.

At least you gave me good hints, how I can answer their request. Thanks 
for that...


Rowland Penny via samba schrieb am 21.06.2023 um 09:54:
> Hi Ingo,
> Just one other thought, You are having problems with the SID S-1-18-1 
> and the patch on that bug report does not mention that SID, so even if 
> you do manage to patch something, it isn't likely to help you.
> Rowland

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