[Samba] [EXTERNAL] Veto Op Locks does not seem to working properly after updates MACHINE TRUST

Rowland Penny rpenny at samba.org
Thu Jun 15 19:32:46 UTC 2023

On 15/06/2023 20:09, Mark Bannister via samba wrote:
> Maybe something else to look at.   Suddenly Machine Trust Relationship 
> issues.
> This is  simple Primary Domain (not AD).  I rebooted the server. A few 
> computers could log on.  Most could not "Machine Trust Relationship 
> could not be established"
> * sudo samba-tool computer list*

Sorry, but samba-tool was written for Samba AD domains, it doesn't work 
with an NT4-style domain.

Also I don't think there is anything to list computers, unlike AD the 
computers are not stored in the database.
The same goes for dns, a PDC doesn't use it, it uses Wins and NetBIOS 


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