[Samba] SaMBa 4.16.4 adds users to ACLs as groups

Tamás Németh nt1277 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 14 16:48:20 UTC 2023

Dear Ralph and Rowland,

OK, I've made some experiments to figure out if it's really a difference
between SaMBa 4.6.5 and 4.16.4, but it's not. It's the difference between
idmap backends idmap_tdb and idmap_rid! As I mentioned earlier, using
different vfs_acl_* modules leads to different POSIX ACLs (
https://lists.samba.org/archive/samba/2023-June/245479.html ). Is it REALLY

 However, now I realized that using different idmap backends also leads to
different NSS user/group resolutions which is probably even more weird.
First I tried idmap_rid with SaMBa 4.16.4 and I observed
that libnss_winbind is willing to resolve any user/group name to UID/GID
and vice versa entirely disregarding the type (user of group) of the entity:

[root at fs1 temp]# getent passwd administrator
[root at fs1 temp]# getent passwd 10500
[root at fs1 temp]# getent group administrator
[root at fs1 temp]# getent group 10500

[root at fs1 temp]# getent group 'domain admins'
domain admins:x:10512:administrator,admin
[root at fs1 temp]# getent group 10512
domain admins:x:10512:administrator,admin
[root at fs1 temp]# getent passwd 'domain admins'
domain admins:*:10512:10512::/home/WS1/domain admins:/bin/false
[root at fs1 temp]# getent passwd 10512
domain admins:*:10512:10512::/home/WS1/domain admins:/bin/false

As a Linux sysadmin I don't like this "feature", or I'd like to have it
optional at least, because I'd like to keep file permissions and ownerships
as UNIX-like as possible. However, after changing to idmap_tdb (still under
SaMBa 4.16.4), I realised that libnss_winbind behaves the way I expect it
(which means users and groups are clearly distinct types of entities):

[root at fs3 ntamas]# getent passwd administrator
[root at fs3 ntamas]# getent passwd 1102
[root at fs3 ntamas]# getent group administrator
[root at fs3 ntamas]# getent group 1102

[root at fs3 ntamas]# chgrp administrator file.txt
chgrp: invalid group: ‘administrator’
[root at fs3 ntamas]# setfacl -m g:administrator:r file.txt
setfacl: Option -m: Invalid argument near character 3

[root at fs3 ntamas]# getent group 'domain admins'
domain admins:x:1112:admin,administrator
[root at fs3 ntamas]# getent group 1112
domain admins:x:1112:admin,administrator
[root at fs3 ntamas]# getent passwd 'domain admins'
[root at fs3 ntamas]# getent passwd 1112

[root at fs3 ntamas]# chown 'domain admins' file.txt
chown: invalid user: ‘domain admins’
[root at fs3 ntamas]# setfacl -m  'u:domain admins:r' file.txt
setfacl: Option -m: Invalid argument near character 3

This is what I'd like to have using idmap_rid! However, POSIX ACLs of
freshly created Office files are still verbose/redundant for my taste. For
example I created a txt file using only File Explorer and a docx file using
Word. The two files effectively have the same permission settings which are
converted to the same NT ACLs shown in File Explorer on Windows, but the
docx file has some seemingly unnecessary redundancies. It would be nice to
at least have an option in SaMBa to eliminate these redundancies before
converting them to POSIX ACLs (since they aren't shown upon reverse
conversion anyway). So, these are the differences:

# file: newfile.docx                      #This file has a (probably
unnecessary) POSIX ACL
# owner: user_1
# group: domain\040users
user:user_1:rw-                            #I'm already the owning user
having the same permissions. Why am I also explicitly added to the POSIX
group:domain\040users:rw--        #It's already the owning group having the
same permissions. Why is it also explicitly added to the POSIX ACL?
mask::rwx #Shouldn't it only be rw?

# file: newfile.txt                            #No POSIX ACL here :-)
# owner: user_1
# group: domain\040users

However, it's still better IMHO that with idmap_rid, where all accessing
UIDs and GIDs (including the owning ones) are also explicitly added to the
POSIX ACL as BOTH users and groups, which produces great amounts of
unnecessary POSIX ACL entries and not even remaining consistent when
changing the underlying vfs_acl_* module (
https://lists.samba.org/archive/samba/2023-June/245479.html ).

 It would also be nice to have at least an option for data cleansing of
permission settings before saving them to POSIX ACLs in order not to have
ACEs not converted into NT ACL entries and being ineffective on the UNIX
file system. For example it would be nice to assign the exclusive access to
a newly created Word document by simply using chown and not having to
remove or edit an unnecessarily (at least from the POV from an UNIX
sysadmin) generated POSIX ACL.

 Is there already such a POSIX ACL simplifying option in smb.conf?

Thank you in advance,


Ralph Boehme <slow at samba.org> ezt írta (időpont: 2023. jún. 13., K, 11:03):

> Hi!
> On 6/13/23 00:57, Tamás Németh via samba wrote:
> >   But why does SaMBa 4.16.4 do what is does, when back then SaMBa 4.6.5
> > didn't do it yet?
> hm, afair this should have worked that way in 4.6.5 as well. If it
> didn't, that was probably a bug.
> The reason for this feature, is that this allows storing Windows groups
> as file owner as well Windows to Linux identity mapping type to change
> from user to group which happens as part of SID history.
> -slow
> --
> Ralph Boehme, Samba Team                 https://samba.org/
> SerNet Samba Team Lead      https://sernet.de/en/team-samba
> SAMBA+ Samba packages                   https://samba.plus/

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