[Samba] Unable to ssh to dc

Christian Naumer christian.naumer at greyfish.net
Tue Jun 13 19:58:17 UTC 2023

Just to farwas this to the list....

And it is always f....... DNS



Am 13. Juni 2023 21:31:25 MESZ schrieb Rob Campbell <robcampbell08105 at gmail.com>:
>> If kinit isn't working then we need to see your
>> resold.conf
>cat /etc/resolv.conf
># Generated by NetworkManager
>search home.rob-campbell.lan HOME.ROB-CAMPBELL.LAN
>nameserver 2600:4040:4661:9a00::1
>I changed first nameserver to and it works. I thought I disabled
>NetworkManager but maybe I just stopped it and rebooted and it started up
>Thanks you guys for your assistance.
>In all things, Be Intentional.
>On Tue, Jun 13, 2023 at 3:24 PM Christian Naumer <
>christian.naumer at greyfish.net> wrote:
>> If kinit isn't working then we need to see your
>> resold.conf
>> Krb5.conf
>> And you could do these tests:
>> https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Testing_the_DNS_Name_Resolution
>> Regards
>> Am 13. Juni 2023 21:19:00 MESZ schrieb Rob Campbell via samba <
>> samba at lists.samba.org>:
>>>  kinit newtestuser
>>> kinit: Cannot find KDC for realm "HOME.ROB-CAMPBELL.LAN" while getting
>>> initial credentials
>>> What OS are you running ?
>>>> Debian 11
>>> Does the directory /home/newtestuser exist ?
>>> It does not
>>> Or do you need to get your
>>>> distro to create it at the users first logon ?
>>>> It is created on first logon.
>>>> Also have you checked if winbind is actually running:
>>>> ps ax | grep 'winbind'
>>>>  root     3390186  0.0  0.0 132728 27688
>>> <http://voice.google.com/calls?a=nc,%2B13272827688>?        S    14:09
>>> 0:00 samba: task[winbindd] pre-fork master
>>> root     3390193  0.0  0.1 136804 55000 ?        Ss   14:09   0:00
>>> /usr/sbin/winbindd -D --option=server role check:inhibit=yes --foreground
>>> root     3390225  0.0  0.1 137204 43392 ?        S    14:09   0:00
>>> winbindd: domain child [HOME]
>>> root     3390234  0.0  0.1 136804 37376 ?        S    14:09   0:00
>>> winbindd: idmap child
>>> root     3390326  0.0  0.1 136896 39712 ?        S    14:10   0:00
>>> winbindd: domain child [BUILTIN]
>>> root     3403087  0.0  0.0   6372   712 pts/0    S+   15:16   0:00 grep
>>> --color=auto -E winbind
>>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>> In all things, Be Intentional.
>>> On Tue, Jun 13, 2023 at 2:47 PM Rowland Penny via samba <
>>> samba at lists.samba.org> wrote:
>>>> On 13/06/2023 19:08, Rob Campbell via samba wrote:
>>>>>> Before we get really involved here, can we just check it isn't something
>>>>>> easy.
>>>>>> By default a Samba AD DC has this default line (it is there, even if it
>>>>>> doesn't show in your smb.conf):
>>>>>> template shell = /bin/false
>>>>>> With that, you cannot logon as a domain user
>>>>>> So you need to set something like:
>>>>>> template shell = /bin/bash
>>>>> Prior to my last email, it didn't have a template shell variable at all
>>>> so
>>>>> I added
>>>>> template shell = /bin/bash
>>>>> template homedir = /home/%U
>>>>> I then restarted samba and I was still unable to ssh in. I then added the
>>>>> two packages and I was able to getent passwd newtestuser but still unable
>>>>> to ssh in.  I can ssh in with a local user account but I think I
>>>> mentioned
>>>>> that already.
>>>> What OS are you running ?
>>>> Does the directory /home/newtestuser exist ? Or do you need to get your
>>>> distro to create it at the users first logon ?
>>>> Also have you checked if winbind is actually running:
>>>> ps ax | grep 'winbind'
>>>> Rowland
>>>> --
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