[Samba] Unable to ssh to dc

Rob Campbell robcampbell08105 at gmail.com
Sat Jun 10 15:39:14 UTC 2023

First question is, should I be able to ssh to the dc?  I can ssh to the
domain members and the sshd and ssh configs are set up the same as well as

When I try to ssh with a domain account I see this error in the auth.log:
Jun 10 11:15:45 DC01 sshd[2171041]: Failed password for invalid user
newtestuser from port 35044 ssh2

The command I'm running is: ssh newtestuser at HOME or ssh
newtestuser at HOME@

wbinfo -K newtestuser
Enter newtestuser's password:
plaintext kerberos password authentication for [newtestuser] failed
(requesting cctype: FILE)
wbcLogonUser(newtestuser): error code was NT_STATUS_NO_LOGON_SERVERS
error message was: No logon servers are currently available to service the
logon request.
Could not authenticate user [newtestuser] with Kerberos (ccache: FILE)

wbinfo -p
Ping to winbindd succeeded

wbinfo -t
checking the trust secret for domain HOME via RPC calls succeeded

In all things, Be Intentional.

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