[Samba] After upgrade samba 4.16 -> 4.18, unable to access cifs-shares exported from a netapp-server

Rowland Penny rpenny at samba.org
Thu Jun 8 09:53:58 UTC 2023

On 08/06/2023 10:36, gizmo via samba wrote:
> Hallo,
> yesterday we made an upgrade from samba 4.16 to 4.18 (ubuntu 22.04 + sernet).
> After the upgrade, all CIFS-Shares exported from our NetApp couldn't be accessed anymore neither from windows
> nor from linux.

Your NetApp doesn't 'export' anything, it (like every other NAS) just 
supplies shares that other clients can connect to, it is a server
> The NetApp-Server reported the following errors:
> secd.netlogon.noServers: None of the Netlogon servers configured for Vserver (svm) are currently accessible via the network
> secd.ldap.noServers: None of the LDAP servers configured for Vserver (svm) are currently accessible via the network
> secd.lsa.noServers: None of the LSA servers configured for Vserver (svm) are currently accessible via the network
> It's like the NetApp-server were not able anymore to connect to the samba4-server

It certainly looks that way.

> Because the CIFS-shares are essential, we had to act fast and went back to samba 4.16 from the backup.
> Then everything worked fine again.

It certainly looks like the upgrade changed something that your NetApp 
didn't like.

> Is there any change in samba 4.17 or 4.18 that can cause this behave ?
> I read the changelog, but couldn't find anything (with my minimal understanding)

Like you, I cannot see anything relevant.

Does your NetApp run vanilla Samba or its own version ?
What is the smb.conf on the upgraded machine, which I presume wasn't 
changed during the upgrade.


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