[Samba] How to backup data from an installation in order to restore them in a new one?

Rowland Penny rpenny at samba.org
Tue Feb 14 17:21:43 UTC 2023

On 14/02/2023 17:00, Lm Loge via samba wrote:
> Hello.
> I appreciate the advice and maybe "revoked" is not an appropriate word, 
> so I will use another one:
> Machine (A) is going to be "shut down forever".

Same thing, you are going to demote it as an AD DC, what you do with it 
after that is your problem.

> Do my questions deserve another answer given that clarification?

If you provision a DC, it becomes the first DC in a new domain, it gets 
a new domain SID and you cannot copy anything from the old domain to the 
new domain. You could export the users and groups and then recreate them 
in the new domain, but they wouldn't be the same users and groups.

You do it as I said, you join a new DC and then demote an old one, the 
dns server is irrelevant.

> And, by the way, I have two DCs (a "provisioned" one and a "joined" one).

Well, pardon me for not being psychic ;-)

> The two DCs will be "shut down forever" and replaced by two new DCs.
> (Don't worry about the waste: I have the two new machines already 
> available around.)
> Thank you and best regards,
> -- 
> Léa


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