[Samba] Samba-LDAP with 100%CPU with connections in CLOSE_WAIT

Steffen fenlo at gfz-potsdam.de
Tue Sep 20 14:16:51 UTC 2022

On 19.09.22 19:24, Jeremy Allison wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 19, 2022 at 05:20:04PM +0200, Steffen via samba wrote:
>> Hi,
>> since some time we are facing a small problem:
>> We are using samba (4.15.9-15) as AD-DC. As clients we have some NetAPP-FAS running which doing the auth. via LDAP. On NetApp timeouts for LDAP are set to 3sec per default.
>> Some queries seem to need more time to answer so the client tries to close the connection but the (samba-)server-part leaves the socket open in CLOSE_WAIT.
>> In some of such cases the corresponding process (ldap-worker) runs forever(?) with 100% cpu. A strace shows the ldap-worker pushing some info (the answer?)  to the socket. If one let it go the server slows down gradually while more and more connections stay in CLOSE_WAIT.
> Can you post an strace, followed by a stack backtrace
> from gdb of an ldap-worker process in such a state.
> That would help debug - thanks !

just two remarks:

a) Do you think a bt from a no-debug-version  is enough?

b) .. because i have setup some timeouts a little bit higher maybe we have to wait a few days (2 or 3) ..

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