[Samba] Corruption of winbind cache after converting NT4 to AD domain

Rowland Penny rpenny at samba.org
Sat Feb 12 13:36:51 UTC 2022

On Sat, 2022-02-12 at 15:04 +0300, Michael Tokarev wrote:
> 12.02.2022 12:30, Rowland Penny via samba wrote:
> > On Sat, 2022-02-12 at 11:56 +0300, Michael Tokarev wrote:
> > > Please note: I'm not arguing here, my intention is the
> > > understanding.
> +++
> Rowland, I really apprecate your explanations. And the only my
> intention
> is to understand.  But I still can not... :(
> I see what you suggest, what you recommend to do/use.  But why it is
> incorrect to have local user AND the AD user (maybe after fixing the
> bug
> in winbind from $subj which you say is not a bug)?

There is no bug, it is the way it is supposed to work.

If you have a local user 'fred' (in /etc/passwd), this will not be the
same user as a user called 'fred' in AD. Samba can obtain the users
data from AD, but it may not be saved as the AD user and this can lead
to all sorts of problems. Now if you only have 'fred' in AD none of
these problems will occur because 'fred' will be the same user

> You're saying "stop thinking the old way". But it raises the same
> question: why, what's wrong with the "old way" (besides the $subj)?
> Why I can't have everything locally without relying on any external
> networking services unless I actually come over network (from windows
> machine)?

Because that isn't the way AD works.
Okay, a bit of history :-)
First there was DOS, which was a single user system, then Windows came
along, but wasn't really useful until Windows for workgroups. Now
workgroups were interesting because these allowed users to read/write
data to other computers and use printers etc on other computers (I am
simplifying things here), but workgroups didn't scale well, you had to
create the same users & groups on all workgroup machines, this soon got
So Microsoft came up with NT4 domains, followed by Samba. On Windows
the SID identifies the users & groups, but means nothing to Unix, this
is where Samba comes in, initially in an NT4-style domain, Samba
required a local user to map domain users to, later versions using ldap
did away with this requirement.
However NT4-style domains had their problems, security being one of
them, so Microsoft came up with AD, which used DNS, ldap and kerberos.
Samba had to keep up with Microsoft, so it gained code to allow it to
join an AD domain and work began to make Samba operate as an AD DC.

Right from the start, an AD joined computer did not require local
users, winbind maps AD users to a local Unix users. For instance, the
'rid' idmap backend will take an AD users RID and calculate the users
Unix ID from that.
> The corruption definitely can be fixed, this is not a question here
> anymore. The argument that local user and AD user have different SIDs
> is not valid either, we can make them the same.

Yes it can be fixed, by setting things up correctly. You are not the
first person to try and bend AD and it has always ended in tears.

> But the main - conceptual - question is why we can't have local user
> with "AD extensions", so to say, or "AD user" with "local
> extensions",
> declaring them the SAME user? What's wrong with this *conceptually*?

Because you do not need to do it, yes, you can use an unjoined
'standalone server' in an AD domain, but this would mean creating
exactly the same users & groups on the standalone server that exist in
AD, also the passwords would have to be the same and kept in sync. Once
you join a computer to an AD domain, you must use the users & groups
from AD.

> Again, I'm not asking about personal preferences, but about the
> concept.
> Maybe if this conceptual question is answered, everything else will
> become much simpler...

It is simple, join all machines to the domain and use the users and
groups from AD


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