[Samba] Remove LanMan auth from the AD DC and possibly file server?

Patrick Goetz pgoetz at math.utexas.edu
Tue Feb 8 20:35:10 UTC 2022

On 2/7/22 23:13, Jeremy Allison via samba wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 08, 2022 at 06:04:01PM +1300, Andrew Bartlett via samba wrote:
>> On Mon, 2022-02-07 at 18:38 +0100, Ralph Boehme via samba wrote:
>>> On 1/26/22 04:50, Andrew Bartlett via samba wrote:
>>> > What do folks think?
>>> I would vote for removing it and if people still require it to work
>>> with
>>> old shit they can just continue using the latest Samba version that
>>> supports it.
>> Thanks!
> Yes, to be honest I'm more leaning on supporting Ralph
> now than trying to split hairs :-).
> If people want LANMAN auth they can just keep running
> the last version that supports it. It's not like they're
> worried about security anyway :-) :-).

Or more likely they're running it in a completely isolated (or DMZ 
gatewayed) environment with equipment that can't be upgraded (e.g. 
instrumentation control PC's running old versions of Windows which can't 
be upgraded).  That's what we do; there's no good alternative unless 
your user has, for example, a million dollars to shell out for a new 
machine with new PCs, and even then.  We just got a new 1.5 million 
dollar microscope and the control PC is running Windows 2012. \o/

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