[Samba] domain-free multi-user use cases

Andrew Bartlett abartlet at samba.org
Tue Oct 26 20:51:28 UTC 2021

On Tue, 2021-10-26 at 08:15 -0400, Eric Levy via samba wrote:
> Thus, as I have argued, it is
> now sensible to consider including support in future development. 

To be incredibly clear, future development of Samba is entirely
directed by the interests of the Samba Team members, as (essentially)
expressed by the business needs of their employers and customers.

We do try to meet the interests of our broader user community into
account, and so much of what we do is win-win - because we care - but
there is no Roadmap to add such a wishlist to, with any expectation
that someone would just pick it up.

Therefore the best way to influence Samba development is to be involved
in Samba development, because tested patches talk most.


Andrew Bartlett

Andrew Bartlett (he/him)       https://samba.org/~abartlet/
Samba Team Member (since 2001) https://samba.org
Samba Team Lead, Catalyst IT   https://catalyst.net.nz/services/samba

Samba Development and Support, Catalyst IT - Expert Open Source

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