[Samba] sAMAccountName is Computer name

Ivan Jurišić ivan at jurisic.org
Wed Nov 17 14:34:40 UTC 2021

  I direct connect to Samba AD DC server and run smbstatus :

Samba version 4.13.13-Debian
PID     Username     Group        Machine                                
    Protocol Version  Encryption           Signing
297104  EXAMPLE\pc-ijurisic$ EXAMPLE\domain computers 
(ipv4: SMB3_11           -                    

I think output smstatus need to be:
Username: EXAMPLE\ijurisic
Group: EXAMPLE\domain users
Machine: EXAMPLE\pc-ijurisic

But I have:

Username: EXAMPLE\pc-ijurisic$
Group: EXAMPLE\domain
Machine: computers

If I run smbstatus -u EXAMPLE\ijurisic or smbstatus -u ijurisic got 
blank list on my server.

Very strange.

Dana 17.11.2021 14:20, Rowland Penny via samba je napisao(la):

> On Wed, 2021-11-17 at 14:07 +0100, Ivan Jurišić wrote:
>> Please see my output for sAMAccountName:
>> sAMAccountName: PC-IJURISIC$
>> That is wrong.
> No, it isn't.
> You said that you ran 'net ads status' on a client and the above was in
> the output, this is correct because that command displays the details
> for the machines account.
> All computers are just users with an extra objectclass, so they also
> have a sAMAccountName, but to differentiate from an actual user, a
> computer sAMAccountName has a '$' on the end.
> Rowland

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