[Samba] setting acl for shared folders

Rowland Penny rpenny at samba.org
Tue Jul 27 07:11:38 UTC 2021

On Tue, 2021-07-27 at 08:57 +0200, Damian Knaś via samba wrote:
> Okay so I will explain my problem.
> I made samba server for my school.

Yes, but what sort of Samba server ? A standalone server, PDC, AD DC or
what ?

> There are about 12 main folders.
> I set the permissions with AcL’s and I’m running a script which
> removes acls and grants them every time (because sometimes someone
> needs temporary permissions).

Why ?

> I don’t use groups, names only, because some people needs rwx other
> r-x.

Groups would be easier, you could add users to a group to temporarily
give them permissions, then remove them from the group.

> Some people needs access to more that one folder, so default group
> makes it difficult. The problem is that I don’t know how set
> inheritance for all acls, not only default group.

Use acl_xattr

> Now if someone makes a new folder or file,default mask is used (for
> now I did 777 because script takes 15 minutes to set all acls).
> Do you have any idea ?
> im running centos 7

The distro is probably irrelevant

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