[Samba] Migrate Samba AD to Windows AD for M365

Max Olivas molivas at northglenn.org
Fri Apr 16 16:56:48 UTC 2021


We are being forced into a situation where we must abandon Samba AD and move to a "supported" environment using MS AD with M365.  So, what is the best path towards moving to a full MS AD?  I have a Windows Server 2016 DC in my environment now with 2 Ubuntu 20.04 Samba 4.11.6 DC's. 

- Can I simply add another Windows DC and demote/deactivate my Samba DCs and move forward without problems?
- Should I spin up a new Windows AD domain/forest and do the Trust relationship thing to transfer over users/computers?
- Create a new MS AD and recreate everything?
- Other options or experiences?

Thanks in advance for any responses.


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