[Samba] PFsense via Samba Authentication Server -> ERROR! ldap_get_groups() could not bind

Marco Shmerykowsky marco at sce-engineers.com
Tue Sep 15 15:33:33 UTC 2020

I've been trying to setup OPENVPN on a Netgate appliance
running pfsense.

Initially, the authentication server I created appears
to function.  A connection is made, the "bind" is completed
and the organizational units are fetched from the server
and returned.

A few minutes later - without making any changes -
the same test returns the following errors:

php-fpm 	67757 	/system_usermanager_settings.php: ERROR! 
ldap_get_groups() could not bind to server ADS-server.
php-fpm 	67757 	/system_usermanager.php: ERROR! ldap_get_groups() could 
not bind to server ADS-server.

I've tried restarting PHP-FPM and webconfigurator,
but that doesn't seem to solve the problem.

I've configured an authentication server as follows:

hostname: samba.internal.external.com
           (This resolves to the IP with a hostname entry)
port: 636
Transport: SSL-Encrypted
Peer Certificate Authority: Samba-CA (imported from samba's ca.pem file)
Client Certificate: Samaba-server-cert (imported from samba's cert.pem 
and key.pem files)
Protocol: 3
Server Timeout: 25
Search Scope: Entire Subtree
Base DN: DC=internal,DC=external,DC=com
Auth. Container: CN=Users,DC-internal,DC=external,DC=com
Enable Extended Query:
   Query: memberof=CN=Domain 
Bind credentials:
   user: CN=binduser,CN=Users,DC-internal,DC=external,DC=com
   passwd: apassword
User naming attribute: samAccountName
Group naming attribute: cn
Group member attribute: memberof

This seems like it should be straight forward.  What am I missing?


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