[Samba] Odd problems making AD DC

Rowland penny rpenny at samba.org
Fri Oct 30 08:11:49 UTC 2020

On 30/10/2020 02:47, Dan Egli wrote:
> On 10/29/2020 6:13 PM, Jeremy Allison wrote:
>> Dan, Rowland spends an inordinate amount of time on
>> our lists helping out people with Samba configurations
>> of all kinds. The least people can do is to be polite
>> when asking for help.
> I was under the impression that I was being sarcastic/funny. If I didn't
> come across that way, then I am sorry. I certainly didn't intend to come
> across as rude or anything of the sort.
> I am confused why Jeremy would say to use MIT vs Heimdal when the
> message I sent clearly shows an mit-krb5 package, but I had no intent of
> being rude. It's entirely possible he simply missed that detail. If
> that's the case I most certainly didn't want to come across as
> offensive. Again, if I failed to convey my thoughts correctly, I do
> humbly apologize.

Now I am confused, where did Jeremy say to use MIT ?

I initially advised you to start again but to use Heimdal, you then said 
that you were using MIT and asked if it was too new a version. I replied 
that it wasn't that your MIT was too new, it was the wrong kerberos and 
explained in a bit more detail why.

Use Heimdal, do not use MIT, is that plain enough for you ?


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