[Samba] adding sAMAccountType to an user

karel.de.macil at free.fr karel.de.macil at free.fr
Fri Oct 2 15:47:35 UTC 2020

Le 02/10/2020 17:29, karel.de.macil at free.fr a écrit :
> Hi all,
> having by mistake deleting some of my users, i have allmost raise them
> from dead by doing
> ldbrename -H /var/lib/samba/private/sam.ldb CN=titi
> toto\0ADEL:63c1e1b1-09ea-4fd7-8a95-c68a82fd92a2,CN=Deleted
> Objects,DC=local,DC=domain,DC=fr "CN=titi
> toto,OU=here-here,DC=ietr,DC=univ-rennes1,DC=fr"
> and adding the missing property by using an old ldb backup.
> some property are still missing cause ldbedit don't want me to add
> them. those are : SAMAccounttype and PrimaryGroupID.
> I suspect that as long as those one won't be back, my users won't work.
> Actually my "resurected users" can't be seen by ldbsearch and can't be
> used as real user.
> Does anyone have an idea to bring back my user either by adding the
> missing property where they should be or by importing a ldif ?
> best regards
correcting my own mail and anonimizing on the late.

ldbrename -H /var/lib/samba/private/sam.ldb CN=titi
> toto\0ADEL:63c1e1b1-09ea-4fd7-8a95-c68a82fd92a2,CN=Deleted
> Objects,DC=local,DC=domain,DC=fr "CN=titi
> toto,OU=here-here,DC=local,DC=domain,DC=fr"

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