[Samba] Azure AD Connect

Marcio Merlone marcio.merlone at a1.ind.br
Mon May 18 16:45:08 UTC 2020

Em 05/05/2020 08:45, Marcio Merlone via samba escreveu:
> There was this *one* test group which had no permission to receive 
> from outside the company, while all others was as expected. But, the 
> problem arises the other way around, If I have to restrict a group for 
> insiders only I wont be able to. 

So, in order to manage distribution groups permissions on Azure Exchange 
from my on-premise AD (Samba) I need to "prepare" the domain, which is 
basically extend my AD schema with the exchange attributes (*) using the 
"Exchange Server 2016 installation media".


Point is, I don't have such or any other Exchange media. Is there any 
other know method tho achieve such goal, i.e. extend AD schema wirh 
Exchange attributes?


*Marcio Merlone*

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