[Samba] default backend = rid not showing full group information for users

Rowland penny rpenny at samba.org
Sun May 3 11:14:24 UTC 2020

On 03/05/2020 11:39, Stefan Kania via samba wrote:
> Which Debian version do you use? Because in either version (0 oer 10) in
> nsswitch.conf is wirtten "files winbind" in Debian 9 it's "compat
> winbind" and in 10 it's "files systemd winbind" so you removed (I think)
> systemd maybe you should put it back in

You can use 'files' or 'compat', they both mean virtually the same 
thing, just that the latter gives you access to NIS mappings, something 
you do not need with Samba.

As for 'systemd', not sure what this actually does, but when I am forced 
to use systemd (e.g. on my rpi), everything works even though I remove 
'systemd' from the passwd and group lines in nsswitch.conf.


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