[Samba] accessing foreign AD users to NT domain

Piviul piviul at riminilug.it
Mon Aug 31 13:39:47 UTC 2020

Marco Gaiarin via samba ha scritto il 28/08/20 alle 12:21:
> Mandi! Piviul via samba
>    In chel di` si favelave...
>>> Paolo, you have enabled WINS? You assign it to your client?
>> yes of course: the dhcp send the wins server that is the NTdomain DC IP.
> Ok. But probably in this way the wins server know nothing about 'AD'
> servers... please, try to add to AD domain MEMBERS (NOT DC!!!):
> 	wins server = <IP_of_wins_server>
> and restart samba.
nothing to do. As we can see from logs when an AD user try to access to 
a samba NT domain server member share, samba can't try to authenticate 
the AD user to the NT DOMAIN: it simply try to authenticate it locally 
instead of try to authenticate it into the NT domain...

> I verify my current configuration, and probably for a sake of 'smooth'
> upgrade, i've still a WINS server (in one of the AD DM), and all other
> DM point to this wins server.
probably samba has introduced this bug after your migration to AD.

Any way thank you very much indeed!


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