[Samba] CTDB and locking issues reloaded

Giuseppe Lo Presti Giuseppe.LoPresti at cern.ch
Wed Aug 19 07:11:41 UTC 2020

On 18/08/2020 05:36, Martin Schwenke wrote:
> On Thu, 16 Apr 2020 17:45:24 +0200, Giuseppe Lo Presti via samba
> <samba at lists.samba.org> wrote:
>> And to close on this thread, I'd suggest to document the vfs objects
>> parameter in the CTDB documentation, as it's a pretty unintuitive one to
>> find out when configuring a samba cluster.
> It would be impossible to fit all of the possibly relevant details into
> the manual pages and then keep them up to date.
> So, I've added a prominent link to the wiki near the top of the ctdb(7)
> manual page and also in the "See also" section.  Pointing to the wiki
> should at least given people somewhere obvious to go for more details,
> especially when they have problems.

I understand it's impossible to cover all cases, but this is already 
pretty good, thanks for the follow up. Hopefully it will indeed help 
other users facing a similar setup.


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