[Samba] Windows 10 temporary profile error, when domain remote profile directory exists and is empty

Konstantin Boyandin lists at boyandin.info
Tue Sep 24 01:03:05 UTC 2019


The below happens with Samba 4.7.* (didn't checked with other Samba 4

Setup: Samba 4.7.* AD, two domain controllers, 'computer A' and
'computer B' are Windows 10 domain members.

1. A user (login 'username') logs in into domain for the first time, on
a 'computer A'.

Samba DC doesn't find existing profile directory and creates an empty
one on corresponding file server (or whatever is the correct term for
that), 'username.V6'.

2. User marks its profile as Local on Windows and logs out. Nothing is
written to profile directory ('username.V6') on domain file server.

User then can log on and log off at 'computer A', no problems happen.

3. Now user tries to log on to the same domain at 'computer B'.

Windows 10 tries to get profile from domain, gets an empty profile,
writes an error to event logs and creates a temporary profile.

Note: no inconsistencies in registry: there were no damaged/whatever
profile entry for 'username' on 'computer B'. No inconsistency under
"C:\Users" on 'computer B'.

4. After I physically remove the empty domain profile directory
('username.V6'), there's no problem logging in/logging out on 'computer
B'. The corresponding 'username.V6' is successfully re-created on domain
file server.

Question: is this 'temporary profile error' a bug/feature of AD, or
Samba 4.7-specific bug/feature?

It's kind of inconvenient to remove empty profile each time a user
wishes to log on to a new domain member.



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